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How to Draw Cars - Beginner Tips & Tools for Success
Learning how to draw is really a matter of breaking down what you see into smaller parts or shapes. You have to look at the picture as a smaller step by step process. When you break things down like this the problem at hand becomes easier to draw. But before you go off and start to draw those cool muscle or race cars, you really need to understand a bit more about the supplies you will need. How else are you going to draw those cool cars?
Having good supplies is definitely going to make it easier to draw and more enjoyable, but it won't make you a better artist. You must learn and understand the basics first. Quality equipment is an aid, but it is not a substitute for your skills or abilities.
The first thing you are going to need is a good surface to draw on. You will need a solid sturdy table, desk, or drafting table. Whatever you choose to draw on, make sure the surface does not wobble and is level. Do not settle for a cheap surface. It will only frustrate you and make things more difficult. Many artists like to work on a surface that is on a slight angle towards the artist which promotes a better posture. Being comfortable is very important.
Make sure you have good lighting. Learning how to draw cars is challenging enough. You do not need the frustration of poor lighting. Your lighting should be even so that there are no shadows or hot spots of light, so you may need more than one light source to draw with. There are specially made lamps for artists that produce light which mimics natural sunlight.
You can purchase these online or at art stores, but I have found that the professionally made lights for artists can be rather expensive. If you happen to live near a Home Depot or other home improvement center, try looking in their lighting department. I purchased my lamps there for under 20 dollars each.
As for what tools you should have on hand to draw with, there are no "One drawing tool fits all" formulas. You will have to experiment with different pens and pencils until you find the ones that are the most comfortable to draw cars with. It is probably best to have a variety of drawing tools on hand.
Many car artists have various pens, pencils, markers and even paints on hand to produce different effects. For instance, some car artists prefer to work with Prismacolor "Verithin" pencils for sketching fine lines and for light shading. Other artists prefer the convenience of mechanical pencils as there is no sharpening needed. Mechanical pencils are not the best for shading in areas however. So you see, having a variety of tools on hand to draw with is essential.
Paper is another item of personal choice. Again, you have to experiment. Just like pens and pencils, there are also a variety of drawing surfaces. Try your favorite pens and pencils on various surfaces. Drawing surfaces have different textures and thicknesses and your drawing mediums will behave differently depending on the surface and how you apply them. You may also find guides helpful to draw with. Some car artists prefer to use ellipses and straight edges to help create straight lines and circles, while others work free hand.
If you do not happen to live near any art supply stores, you can always purchase your supplies online. Just go to any major search engine and type in "drawing supplies" and you will find plenty of online shops. My recommendation is I have been buying my supplies there for a few years now and my shipments are always delivered fast and in perfect condition.
I hope these tips and instructions have given you more insight on how to draw cars. The most important thing with drawing cars, or any art for that matter, is to never give up. Keep practicing. Practice every day if possible and keep a sketchbook of your work so that you can keep track of your progress. You will get the hang of this and learn how to draw cars.
Click Here for more resources on how to draw cars, including FREE step by step videos, a downloadable ebook, car drawing books and more!
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How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy: Drawing Cars Like the Pros
Cars are complex to draw and there are some common challenges people face when drawing cars. How to Draw Cars Fast and Easy is a step by step detailed information ebook for people who wants to learn how to draw cars. It is written by Tim Rugendyke who is a professional automotive designer.
This eBook guides the aspiring designers step by step with the detailed car drawing instructions. People who ever wanted to create perfect looking cars can now use the same insider tips and techniques of the pros. This eBook is great for people who wants to learn how to draw without attending college and without going through all the trial and error which takes years.
More About the Author
The author of this eBook, Tim Rugendyke, worked as an automotive designer for companies such as Ford and General Motors. He is now lecturing at an automotive design school in Australia. He is a tutor, lecturer and a hands on designer, who travels the world for his automotive design work. He has spent most of his life studying car design and car drawings.
During his career in the industry both as a designer and a teacher, he discovered the insider secrets that are 100% guaranteed to get you drawing amazing cars fast and easy, even if you have never drawing a thing in your life before. He has put all his work in one comprehensive step by step guide called How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy: The Insider Secrets To Drawing Cars Like The Pros.
With his knowledge and extensive experience as an automotive designer, he reveals the shortcuts to the secrets of drawing like the pros. You will benefit extensively by cutting your time and effort to draw amazing looking cars every time. This e-book has the power to turn you into a professional in a short time.
More About the Content
It is a 134 page tutorial with over 144 high-quality illustrations and photos in downloadable eBook format, revealing all the tips and techniques previously known by only a small handful of professional designers. This is the most comprehensive and complete step by step guide to drawing cars fast and easy. It covers the following topics:
It is the most comprehensive and detailed eBook ever created on this topic. This tutorial is designed and written for ordinary people who wants to learn how to draw perfect looking cars without attending to courses or college by a professional automotive designer and lecturer doing precisely what he teaches you. The best part is that you can get it for a small investment.
This eBook guides the aspiring designers step by step with the detailed car drawing instructions. People who ever wanted to create perfect looking cars can now use the same insider tips and techniques of the pros. This eBook is great for people who wants to learn how to draw without attending college and without going through all the trial and error which takes years.
More About the Author
The author of this eBook, Tim Rugendyke, worked as an automotive designer for companies such as Ford and General Motors. He is now lecturing at an automotive design school in Australia. He is a tutor, lecturer and a hands on designer, who travels the world for his automotive design work. He has spent most of his life studying car design and car drawings.
During his career in the industry both as a designer and a teacher, he discovered the insider secrets that are 100% guaranteed to get you drawing amazing cars fast and easy, even if you have never drawing a thing in your life before. He has put all his work in one comprehensive step by step guide called How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy: The Insider Secrets To Drawing Cars Like The Pros.
With his knowledge and extensive experience as an automotive designer, he reveals the shortcuts to the secrets of drawing like the pros. You will benefit extensively by cutting your time and effort to draw amazing looking cars every time. This e-book has the power to turn you into a professional in a short time.
More About the Content
It is a 134 page tutorial with over 144 high-quality illustrations and photos in downloadable eBook format, revealing all the tips and techniques previously known by only a small handful of professional designers. This is the most comprehensive and complete step by step guide to drawing cars fast and easy. It covers the following topics:
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Tools and Equipment
- Copying and Tracing
- Side Views
- Perspective
- Ellipses
- Perspective Tutorials
- Proportion
- Adding Color
It is the most comprehensive and detailed eBook ever created on this topic. This tutorial is designed and written for ordinary people who wants to learn how to draw perfect looking cars without attending to courses or college by a professional automotive designer and lecturer doing precisely what he teaches you. The best part is that you can get it for a small investment.
For more information on how to draw cars fast and easy eBook pdf visit my site.
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You Can Learn How to Draw Cars Like a Pro
So, you want to draw cars like a pro. Are you an artist or like to draw or is this something new for you? It truly does not make a difference because if you are new to drawing, the e-book "How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy" plainly makes it painless for you.
This book will explain to you how to get you quickly understanding all the techniques of drawing cars, like perspective and shading. You will learn the tricks and tips that the experts use to help them to quickly produce striking renditions of cars. All of this is done with step by step tutorials.
If you are currently an artist and have an understanding of the methods of drawing, this e-book will enhance your abilities. It can take you to the next level of car art and help you produce mind blowing designs. You too can take advantage of the tricks of the trade to help you work faster with better results.
For those that are new that wish to draw cars should not be doubtful of trying to draw. You would be amazed at what you can accomplish in a short period of time. Following these tutorials are the most useful lessons you can follow.
If you are adventurous, you can learn how to use your computer to make even more realistic cars with software such as Photoshop. You can take a sketch you have done of a car, scan it and complete it on your computer. Give it a try, you never know what may become of your attempt.
Article Source: This book will explain to you how to get you quickly understanding all the techniques of drawing cars, like perspective and shading. You will learn the tricks and tips that the experts use to help them to quickly produce striking renditions of cars. All of this is done with step by step tutorials.
If you are currently an artist and have an understanding of the methods of drawing, this e-book will enhance your abilities. It can take you to the next level of car art and help you produce mind blowing designs. You too can take advantage of the tricks of the trade to help you work faster with better results.
For those that are new that wish to draw cars should not be doubtful of trying to draw. You would be amazed at what you can accomplish in a short period of time. Following these tutorials are the most useful lessons you can follow.
If you are adventurous, you can learn how to use your computer to make even more realistic cars with software such as Photoshop. You can take a sketch you have done of a car, scan it and complete it on your computer. Give it a try, you never know what may become of your attempt.
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How to Draw Cars - Simple Guidelines
Drawing can be a creative outlet, for fun and profit. Having artistic talent is often an innate ability. However, for the artistically inclined novice, some essential training can be helpful for achieving success.
I've enjoyed years of satisfaction from drawing, and I love to watch my creations spawn to life. Having a knack for drawing is typically an inherent trait, although the fundamentals can be acquired through patience and practice.
Everyone implements his or her own unique drawing style into their art. There isn't an exact science to drawing. As you progress and improve your drawing skills, you'll find your unique style differentiates from others. For the newbie, an introductory course can provide useful pointers. We'll begin by a simple way to draw cars.
For budding artists and car enthusiasts, sketching autos can be fun. In learning how to draw cars, you'll need to practice one essential element. Straight lines will be needed for the body of the vehicle. If you wish, you can use a ruler but I prefer to draw freehand, as it imbues a more realistic feel.
Some begin by sketching the wheels first; others prefer the hood as a starting point. Drawing an outline seems to work well for beginners. In any case, you need to maintain a symmetrical form. It should be matched proportionally. The tires for example shouldn't differ substantially in size.
For drawing circles, you can outline them by tracing around a coin. This is perfectly acceptable for the newcomer, but for an advanced artist, you'll prefer freehand. After the outline of the tire is completed, detailing on the inside should be easy.
The best advice to offer a beginner is to place a model in front of you. It's what many artists typically do. For those who have a photographic memory, a model won't be necessary. For those of us less inspired, the model method works well.
Begin by placing an image in front of you - live or inanimate - depicting what you want to sketch. For drawing a car, sit in front of the vehicle or move about at different angles. This gives you the advantage of seeing the correct way of how everything goes.
Lastly, keep it simple. In drawing a car, there's really no need for ornate 'extras'. This will distract from the subject. Drawing cars is a great starting point for beginning artists, because they are simple enough, but provide challenge as well.
I've enjoyed years of satisfaction from drawing, and I love to watch my creations spawn to life. Having a knack for drawing is typically an inherent trait, although the fundamentals can be acquired through patience and practice.
Everyone implements his or her own unique drawing style into their art. There isn't an exact science to drawing. As you progress and improve your drawing skills, you'll find your unique style differentiates from others. For the newbie, an introductory course can provide useful pointers. We'll begin by a simple way to draw cars.
For budding artists and car enthusiasts, sketching autos can be fun. In learning how to draw cars, you'll need to practice one essential element. Straight lines will be needed for the body of the vehicle. If you wish, you can use a ruler but I prefer to draw freehand, as it imbues a more realistic feel.
Some begin by sketching the wheels first; others prefer the hood as a starting point. Drawing an outline seems to work well for beginners. In any case, you need to maintain a symmetrical form. It should be matched proportionally. The tires for example shouldn't differ substantially in size.
For drawing circles, you can outline them by tracing around a coin. This is perfectly acceptable for the newcomer, but for an advanced artist, you'll prefer freehand. After the outline of the tire is completed, detailing on the inside should be easy.
The best advice to offer a beginner is to place a model in front of you. It's what many artists typically do. For those who have a photographic memory, a model won't be necessary. For those of us less inspired, the model method works well.
Begin by placing an image in front of you - live or inanimate - depicting what you want to sketch. For drawing a car, sit in front of the vehicle or move about at different angles. This gives you the advantage of seeing the correct way of how everything goes.
Lastly, keep it simple. In drawing a car, there's really no need for ornate 'extras'. This will distract from the subject. Drawing cars is a great starting point for beginning artists, because they are simple enough, but provide challenge as well.
Check this Drawing Tutorial to discover how you can draw cartoons easily. Also do not forget to check the popular Cartoon Drawing Course.
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Some Tips on How to Draw Cars
Being able to draw cars as realistic as possible is a pretty cool thing to do. Getting the skills to do it are not that difficult either. If you have a good book that is specifically geared toward drawing cars you can be up and running pretty quick. Learning the basics of drawing and having the proper tools are all you need to get started.
To draw a car with some dimension to it you will have to learn about perspective. Drawing in perspective gives the illusion of being two or three dimensional instead of being a flat object. To help with getting all the parts of the car sized correctly you can make a grid on your paper to work off of.
Learning how to do shading on the car and even the surrounding area will give more realism and help make the car jump off the paper. When you get more confident you can start learning color and how to apply it to your drawings. Water color and markers are popular mediums to use for this.
Other tools you need are a few drawing pencils in different hardness's so you can draw dark and light shades. You need a steady surface to draw on so you can concentrate on drawing not on keeping your table from rocking. Get a good light to shine onto your drawing surface without putting your paper in a shadow.
Getting a good book about drawing cars will show you exactly how to do these things and much more. In many cases you can be drawing decent looking cars in no time and with some practice be drawing like a pro.
To draw a car with some dimension to it you will have to learn about perspective. Drawing in perspective gives the illusion of being two or three dimensional instead of being a flat object. To help with getting all the parts of the car sized correctly you can make a grid on your paper to work off of.
Learning how to do shading on the car and even the surrounding area will give more realism and help make the car jump off the paper. When you get more confident you can start learning color and how to apply it to your drawings. Water color and markers are popular mediums to use for this.
Other tools you need are a few drawing pencils in different hardness's so you can draw dark and light shades. You need a steady surface to draw on so you can concentrate on drawing not on keeping your table from rocking. Get a good light to shine onto your drawing surface without putting your paper in a shadow.
Getting a good book about drawing cars will show you exactly how to do these things and much more. In many cases you can be drawing decent looking cars in no time and with some practice be drawing like a pro.
If you would really like to be able to draw cars then you need this book. It will really get you started out on the right foot doing some great art work. For more info on drawing like a pro the fast and easy way check out Draw Cars Quickly.
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How To Draw Cars Fast And Easy
There may be many reasons why you would like to learn how to draw cars. For example, you want to give your car loving uncle an extraordinary birthday present by giving him a self-made car drawing, or you have to learn how to draw cars for your studies or work. Anyhow, you'll learn a few important steps in this article.
There are many varieties of cars you can draw. Learning how to draw cars can be fun and challenging for every level of artist. You start with a few basic shapes and color with crayon or pencil. What you want to do is to create the most detailed and accurate model-specific rendering of the car, and have it actually looking like a car. It is important hat you remember to use pencil on paper, and have an eraser handy to remove extra lines or marks later.
When learning you need to have a picture for reference. You can choose how to draw a car with different photographs but it certainly helps to have a point of reference, as imagination or memory will only help you so far. Use different pictures of cars and try to copy them. Do it again and again until you're happy, and start on another one.
To start out you only need to have a basic understanding of geometric shapes. With this little bit of knowledge and understanding you can easily learn how to draw a car of any make or model. Perhaps you want to draw a car that is shaped like a sedan. A sedan is a four-door passenger car that seats five people and features a nice, roomy trunk so learning to draw a car shaped like a sedan is typical. It is one of the easiest cars to draw when you are first starting out.
To learn how to draw cars like this you need to begin with a simple, long rectangle. Next, learn to draw a smaller rectangle on top of the long one for the car. Now, to learn to draw a car you can combine the two shapes by adding a long curving line over the rectangles using them as your guide. You have just learned to draw the top of the car. To learn how to draw cards of different styles or models of cars, you can adapt this line.
You might find it helpful to draw squares and lines to help you keep everything in the right dimension. For older cars a lesson is that these will be squares and rectangles with sharper edges. For newer cars the lesson is the shapes will be curved, rounded and angled more. Don't worry over perfect-looking lines at this point, the goal is to get the basic shape and proportion.
Once you have the basic sketch down you'll want to erase the helping lines, and get more into detail. Repeat these steps over and over to get better and better.
There are many varieties of cars you can draw. Learning how to draw cars can be fun and challenging for every level of artist. You start with a few basic shapes and color with crayon or pencil. What you want to do is to create the most detailed and accurate model-specific rendering of the car, and have it actually looking like a car. It is important hat you remember to use pencil on paper, and have an eraser handy to remove extra lines or marks later.
When learning you need to have a picture for reference. You can choose how to draw a car with different photographs but it certainly helps to have a point of reference, as imagination or memory will only help you so far. Use different pictures of cars and try to copy them. Do it again and again until you're happy, and start on another one.
To start out you only need to have a basic understanding of geometric shapes. With this little bit of knowledge and understanding you can easily learn how to draw a car of any make or model. Perhaps you want to draw a car that is shaped like a sedan. A sedan is a four-door passenger car that seats five people and features a nice, roomy trunk so learning to draw a car shaped like a sedan is typical. It is one of the easiest cars to draw when you are first starting out.
To learn how to draw cars like this you need to begin with a simple, long rectangle. Next, learn to draw a smaller rectangle on top of the long one for the car. Now, to learn to draw a car you can combine the two shapes by adding a long curving line over the rectangles using them as your guide. You have just learned to draw the top of the car. To learn how to draw cards of different styles or models of cars, you can adapt this line.
You might find it helpful to draw squares and lines to help you keep everything in the right dimension. For older cars a lesson is that these will be squares and rectangles with sharper edges. For newer cars the lesson is the shapes will be curved, rounded and angled more. Don't worry over perfect-looking lines at this point, the goal is to get the basic shape and proportion.
Once you have the basic sketch down you'll want to erase the helping lines, and get more into detail. Repeat these steps over and over to get better and better.
Draw Cars Like a Pro with this amazing Products
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How to Draw Cars Easily
The biggest problem people face when wanting to learn to draw cars is the fact that initially it seems very difficult and they are overwhelmed by the volume of information they are expected to capture. When they try it ends up being quite a mess in comparison to other pictures and drawings they see so they give up before they have started.
Did you also know that the easiest methods of drawing and the best ways of learning are only made acceptable when you have struggled for years to learn the hard way but don't really need them anymore?
The tough love learning methods of the elite art world keep many people away with the I can't draw syndrome so I wonder if that is how they manage to stay elitists?
Anyway the best way to learn to draw is by tracing pictures and learning how they work the easy way without the difficulties posed by constructional drawing. Giving yourself the time to learn how to manipulate the tools yet still achieving positive results and feeling good about your work instead of depressed and incompetent.
Imagine this all professional artists use tracing methods at sometime or other when creating their work and it is only ordinary people and none professionals who consider tracing to be cheating so when you compare your drawing with the professionals who draw cool cars ask yourself this, did they trace some of it?
This does not only apply to how to draw cars but it applies to everything, start out learning how to draw the easy way and then push the boundaries of your ability when your confidence is high and you feel good about your work.
Art If you want to know how to draw cars easy or anything else come to that then take a look here:
These methods work without tough love hardship.
Author, Gareth Pritchard.
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These methods work without tough love hardship.
Author, Gareth Pritchard.
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How to Draw Cars - 3 Tips on How to Draw Cars That Look Realistic!
1. Tones and Contrast
What can often turn one of my lousy car sketches into a car drawing that looks like it's about to drive off my page is the proper use of tone and contrast. This is a difficult technique to perfect and requires a bit of practice and a good eye.
Something you can do right now to make your cars look real, is copy photos of actual cars. But turn these photos into a black and white form. This makes it much easier to visualize how dark or light you need to shade a particular portion of your car. Make sure you have a few different types of pencils on hand to achieve this look!
2. Drawing in Perspective
Angles and perspective can turn an average drawing into a masterpiece! This is a very important skill to acquire when learning how to draw cars. To draw a car in perspective, you need to first create a side view of your vehicle. Then project the major points to a point on the page above your car of your choosing. The point you project to will determine the extent of the perspective.
3. Shadows
Everything creates a shadow. So when you want to learn how to draw cars that look real, you have to give your cars some shadows. For now these don't have to be too complex, but try to imagine sunlight coming from a single source at a point of your choice on the piece of paper. You can then project lines from this point and offset them slightly when they hit your car. Then use a dark pencil and shade a strong shadow on the ground under your car. This will add a lot of depth and realism to your drawings.
If you want to avoid your drawings looking sloppy and unrealistic and you want to learn how to draw cars the way the pros do, have a look at this step by step video guide that shows how a professional car designer creates his car drawings here:
You'll be able to impress all your friends with your drawings once you watch those videos!
Article Source: You'll be able to impress all your friends with your drawings once you watch those videos!
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How to Draw Cars
With this article, I want to try to help you on how to draw cars the right way. First let's start with what you need: one pencil, one eraser, a sheet of paper, some kind of picture or real car to use as reference and one ice cold beer, or ok let's skip the beer!
Once you got all the above mentioned things, it's time to's time to once for all get that great design of yours into that paper!
Take a good look on that reference picture you got...try to just focus on the car itself (although that can be very hard if there is a babe in there, if there is, get another reference picture). Once you have stared at the car long enough, try to put some easy touch pencil lines on your paper, make these lines represent the general shape of the car. Lots of people think that the best way to draw a car is to simply start at the corner and work your way through, this is wrong! It's like building a house from one corner and just work from you need a good foundation for the whole house and then you apply step by step. The same goes for how to draw a car. These are the steps I usually take and would advise you to do as well:
1. General shape of the car, just a few lines that covers the whole body. Don't try to add fancy mirrors and wheels etc...this you do later!
2. Add shapes that will represent the wheels. This is where you separate the pros with the babies, pros don't give up on their shapes until they are perfect. Babies draw the wheels and after one or two tries, they will move on the next step (thinking that the wheels will somehow magically get better by themselves). I will tell you that the wheels are the hardest part of the whole car drawing and if you don't get them right, it will not matter if the rest of the car looks good.
3. Get more details like the windows, doors, headlights etc.
4. Now add more details, starting adding the small stuff like air-intake, mirrors, door-handles etc.
5. If it all looks good, then go back to those wheels of yours again and look at them and spend some more time on perfecting them.
6. Now you should have a car on that sheet of paper. If you don't you probably took that ice cold beer that I told you not to take. If you can see a car and it looks good...then start adding shadows. The best way to add correct shadows when you draw a car is to imagine that the light is coming from somewhere on your paper and then make a little mark there...then start adding darker shadows from wherever that mark cannot "reach".
7. Now you're pretty much done huh...well not really, go back to those wheels, ask someone for their honest opinion, what they think of the wheels. If it's all good then you can be very proud of your new fantastic car drawing.
If you are still reading, you have either mastered the skill "How to draw a car", or you have to much time on your hands and if you do, chances are you will become a great artist if you just use that time wisely, it's not about talent, it's about patience and hard work!
Lukas Niklasson is the associated editor to the website How to draw cars, a website dedicated to car drawings. Lukas himself submit new drawings very often, and since year 2008, hundreds of visitors has submitted theirs. Check it out!
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How to Draw Cars Like A Pro
Cars come in all shapes and sizes from sleekly aerodynamic to boxy and large. If you have a penchant for drawing and a passion for cars, it's only natural that you'd want to apply your drawing skills to the automobile. The problem for many, though, is trying to make the car you desire to draw actually look like the real thing when you sketch it out on paper. Even the most talented artist can struggle with drawing cars. You have probably found out how difficult it can be if you've ever attempted to reproduce a car on paper.
There are professionals who get paid to design and draw cars for the auto industry, and they have spent years developing specific techniques for turning out beautiful illustrations. So, does that mean that you will never be able to master the art of drawing cars in a professional style? Not if you are willing to get better at it. In fact, you can easily learn how to draw cars like a pro if you understand some of the secret techniques the professionals use to create realistic looking cars.
Prepare Your Artist Toolbox
First of all, you should stop trying to use a simple pencil for the whole drawing. Creating a car can take several different types of drawing pencils and tools. Go to the art supply store and begin picking out some quality drawing pencils that can produce various types of lines and shading. You can use regular pencils, mechanical pencils or both. Pick out several so that you can experiment with each one. Eventually, you'll have your favorites.
Visualize the Car
Pick out a photo of a car that you would really like to draw and keep it near your drawing table. Study the various shapes and angles of each part of the car. Professional car illustrations are always in 3-D and pop off the page. You want to get a feel for visualizing all aspects of the car's design.
Break It Down
Instead of trying to draw the whole car at one time, pick out certain sections to concentrate on. It's always easier to take a single piece of a big job and then work on getting that part right. Afterwards, you move on to another piece of the puzzle. For instance, start with the wheels. The wheels can be fun to draw and can help you to lay down the foundation for the whole vehicle.
Learn Perspective
Putting your drawing into perspective is one of the key secrets to creating realistic cars as opposed to simple line drawings. Angles and perspectives give the illustration more sizzle.
Contrast and Shadows
Another thing you want to work on is shading and using light and dark contrasting to create more realism. For example, when you see a professional drawing of a car that has that shiny look to it, the artist used various levels of shading to create this effect.
Bring in the Color
Color really brings your car drawings to life. Experiment with different colors once you have mastered the basic drawing techniques for creating awesome car illustrations.
There are professionals who get paid to design and draw cars for the auto industry, and they have spent years developing specific techniques for turning out beautiful illustrations. So, does that mean that you will never be able to master the art of drawing cars in a professional style? Not if you are willing to get better at it. In fact, you can easily learn how to draw cars like a pro if you understand some of the secret techniques the professionals use to create realistic looking cars.
Prepare Your Artist Toolbox
First of all, you should stop trying to use a simple pencil for the whole drawing. Creating a car can take several different types of drawing pencils and tools. Go to the art supply store and begin picking out some quality drawing pencils that can produce various types of lines and shading. You can use regular pencils, mechanical pencils or both. Pick out several so that you can experiment with each one. Eventually, you'll have your favorites.
Visualize the Car
Pick out a photo of a car that you would really like to draw and keep it near your drawing table. Study the various shapes and angles of each part of the car. Professional car illustrations are always in 3-D and pop off the page. You want to get a feel for visualizing all aspects of the car's design.
Break It Down
Instead of trying to draw the whole car at one time, pick out certain sections to concentrate on. It's always easier to take a single piece of a big job and then work on getting that part right. Afterwards, you move on to another piece of the puzzle. For instance, start with the wheels. The wheels can be fun to draw and can help you to lay down the foundation for the whole vehicle.
Learn Perspective
Putting your drawing into perspective is one of the key secrets to creating realistic cars as opposed to simple line drawings. Angles and perspectives give the illustration more sizzle.
Contrast and Shadows
Another thing you want to work on is shading and using light and dark contrasting to create more realism. For example, when you see a professional drawing of a car that has that shiny look to it, the artist used various levels of shading to create this effect.
Bring in the Color
Color really brings your car drawings to life. Experiment with different colors once you have mastered the basic drawing techniques for creating awesome car illustrations.
If you really want to learn to draw cars and find out about the different materials that will teach you the best way to draw cars, be sure to visit our website at
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Make This Christmas Stand Out With Cardboard Cutouts - Ideas For Holiday Decorating
Tis the season to be jolly, and of course spend a couple weekends out in the yard doing your best to replicate the North Pole. Here are some cool, simple ideas to make sure Santa sees your house from his sleigh.
Lawn Nativity Cardboard Cutout - These high quality nativity scene cut outs would look and work great in any lawn, and would be perfectly suitable for indoor use as well. You no longer have to spend hours setting each piece up individually - just secure the cut out in the ground with some stakes and its ready to be admired. Did we mention you'll save money on electricity by using the cut outs?
Oversized Christmas Greeting Cards - When you care, you send a greeting card. When you really care, you send an oversized custom greeting card. A delightful gift, giant custom Christmas cards are sure to please anyone.
Artificial Christmas Tree Cut Out - If you're the type that appreciates the aesthetics of a Christmas tree, but don't appreciate the needles they leave behind, this new twist on artificial Christmas trees are perfect for your home. The best part is that the dog or cat cant knock these over!
Life Size Reindeer Lawn Decorations - Now you can assemble the whole reindeer gang in your front lawn; Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder, Blixem, and Rudolph.
Jumbo Santa Clause - Ahh, Santa Claus, the staple of any Christmas lawn decorations. There's plenty of options to choose from. For instant, you can take a traditional route and go with a Mr & Mrs Claus cut out, Rock and Roll Santa complete with a guitar to play "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town."
Giant Coloring Book Santa - Kids are guaranteed to absolutely adore these giant color in cut outs. A perfect opportunity to keep the kids busy on a snow day, you can invite some friends over and keep them busy for a while. When the kids are done coloring, it becomes a custom Christmas decoration for your wall.
Article Source: Lawn Nativity Cardboard Cutout - These high quality nativity scene cut outs would look and work great in any lawn, and would be perfectly suitable for indoor use as well. You no longer have to spend hours setting each piece up individually - just secure the cut out in the ground with some stakes and its ready to be admired. Did we mention you'll save money on electricity by using the cut outs?
Oversized Christmas Greeting Cards - When you care, you send a greeting card. When you really care, you send an oversized custom greeting card. A delightful gift, giant custom Christmas cards are sure to please anyone.
Artificial Christmas Tree Cut Out - If you're the type that appreciates the aesthetics of a Christmas tree, but don't appreciate the needles they leave behind, this new twist on artificial Christmas trees are perfect for your home. The best part is that the dog or cat cant knock these over!
Life Size Reindeer Lawn Decorations - Now you can assemble the whole reindeer gang in your front lawn; Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder, Blixem, and Rudolph.
Jumbo Santa Clause - Ahh, Santa Claus, the staple of any Christmas lawn decorations. There's plenty of options to choose from. For instant, you can take a traditional route and go with a Mr & Mrs Claus cut out, Rock and Roll Santa complete with a guitar to play "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town."
Giant Coloring Book Santa - Kids are guaranteed to absolutely adore these giant color in cut outs. A perfect opportunity to keep the kids busy on a snow day, you can invite some friends over and keep them busy for a while. When the kids are done coloring, it becomes a custom Christmas decoration for your wall.
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Lifesize Cardboard Standups - Making a Reality Scene With Lifesize Cardboard Standups
Have you ever had a dream of being in a certain part of the world, or in a certain place with specific surroundings that you have always loved? Well, now you can actually make it come true. Lifesize cardboard standups can be used very efficiently for these reasons and can make the scene that you have been dreaming about come to life. Just getting a few pictures of the scene and sending it in, you can have the specific items custom made into a lifesize standup especially for you. These standups aren't just used to fulfill a dream place, they can be used for so many other things. Below are a few other uses they can be used for.
* Plays: Some people are directors of plays for children's pageants and high school drama club plays and so are in need of a scene setting. These lifesize cardboard standups are the perfect things to help accomplish that objective in a quick manner instead of searching and calling people to see if they can use certain items. They will make the backdrop, or the trees in a park look real without any trouble to make the scene change with "real" scene setters.
* Birthday Parties: What is more fun than having a birthday party attended by someone who is cool or high ranking in society? Such as Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow or Elvis Presley etc.? No kid would say no to having their favorite role model attend the birthday party. And what is even better, is if you happen to be putting on a theme birthday party, these standups are the perfect thing to help you set up the room as the scene that favors that theme. Such as a jungle birthday theme, you could have a live tiger or lion right in the middle of your room, or make tall grass and trees from the cardboard so it looks like a jungle setting. They are COOL!
* Holiday Events: Decorating for the holidays sometimes requires some full size figures. Such as Saint Patrick's Day. Why not have a full blown lifesize leprechaun living in your house at the time of St. Patrick's Day? It would be awesome. And Christmas, why not have Santa? Or Baby Jesus in the manger with Mary and Joseph? It would complete your decorations and fulfill the spirit of that particular holiday.
* Halloween Pranks: Another gag thing would to have scary people all around your yard for Halloween. Or if you are planning on having a haunted house you could have witches and goblins and scary monsters on every corner to scare the people going through. It is awesome stuff.
These lifesize cardboard standups are the ball!! They have such cool things you can do with them, and they don't require much talent or creativity to use them. It's easy.
* Plays: Some people are directors of plays for children's pageants and high school drama club plays and so are in need of a scene setting. These lifesize cardboard standups are the perfect things to help accomplish that objective in a quick manner instead of searching and calling people to see if they can use certain items. They will make the backdrop, or the trees in a park look real without any trouble to make the scene change with "real" scene setters.
* Birthday Parties: What is more fun than having a birthday party attended by someone who is cool or high ranking in society? Such as Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow or Elvis Presley etc.? No kid would say no to having their favorite role model attend the birthday party. And what is even better, is if you happen to be putting on a theme birthday party, these standups are the perfect thing to help you set up the room as the scene that favors that theme. Such as a jungle birthday theme, you could have a live tiger or lion right in the middle of your room, or make tall grass and trees from the cardboard so it looks like a jungle setting. They are COOL!
* Holiday Events: Decorating for the holidays sometimes requires some full size figures. Such as Saint Patrick's Day. Why not have a full blown lifesize leprechaun living in your house at the time of St. Patrick's Day? It would be awesome. And Christmas, why not have Santa? Or Baby Jesus in the manger with Mary and Joseph? It would complete your decorations and fulfill the spirit of that particular holiday.
* Halloween Pranks: Another gag thing would to have scary people all around your yard for Halloween. Or if you are planning on having a haunted house you could have witches and goblins and scary monsters on every corner to scare the people going through. It is awesome stuff.
These lifesize cardboard standups are the ball!! They have such cool things you can do with them, and they don't require much talent or creativity to use them. It's easy.
For a large selection of lifesize standups feel free to browse through our online party store and find exactly what you are looking for.
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Article Source: This article may be republished, so long as the resource box, the links, and article content all remain intact.
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A New Generation of Cardboard Cutouts
Didn't you hear about the new poster buzz, the custom Wallhog or maybe the custom Fathead? Hey girls, what could be more awesome than being able to kiss a life-size picture of your boyfriend - or Taylor Lautner - when you get out of bed every morning? Or guys, how cool would it be to walk into a room and see a huge picture of your favorite rock band or ride hanging on the wall just as if it was right there? Welcome to the hottest thing to happen to a teenager's bedroom wall since the blacklight poster - they're called "custom Wallhog" or "custom Fathead" and they are a true innovation. And a custom Wallhog is not just for teenagers either. Guys can decorate the wall of their "man-cave" with LeBron James driving for the hoop in actual size while ladies can make large scale art out of their prized family photos.
New Life-Sized Posters
Both custom Wallhog and custom Fathead are the trade names for a new type of poster that combines your photos with a durable self-adhesive backing. Unlike regular posters, however, they do not only come in a single-size rectangular format. They can be cut into the silhouettes of the subject matter, so that you can remove background, leaving only the things you want to leave in. They come in a wide range of sizes that, depending on the company, run from 12 inches tall to 6 and ½ feet tall. They go up easily; although both companies stress that it's a two person job, and requires no paste or tape to put up. They are scratch resistant, stick securely to the wall and come off easily, without damaging the wallboard or paint and leaving no residue. Despite that, they are reusable and can be hung up and taken down multiple times. Both companies allow you to select a photo from their library of photos covering a wide variety of subject matter, but you can also order a custom Wallhog and a custom Fathead using your personal photos.
The Perfect Gift
Any Custom Fathead or custom Wallhog always make great gifts. Imagine taking your child's artwork that they are so proud of and blowing it up to a 2 x 4 foot poster they can stick on any flat wall in their room. It's also great for photographers who want to show off their artwork. Also, a Custom Fathead or a custom Wallhog is perfect for sports fans. What fan could resist a 4 x 6 ½ foot photo of Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning throwing a touchdown pass or soccer star Carlos Bocanegra going for a goal. You could just easily have a life-size photo of that special man or woman in your life to hang in your room. Both custom Fathead and custom Wallhog allows you to upload and edit your photos any way you like, so you have the perfect poster to give to a friend - or to keep for yourself. Prices for a custom Fathead or custom Wallhog a range from under $20 for the smaller sizes to over $150 for the giant ones, but you are sure to be able to find one that will fit easily into just about every budget.
New Life-Sized Posters
Both custom Wallhog and custom Fathead are the trade names for a new type of poster that combines your photos with a durable self-adhesive backing. Unlike regular posters, however, they do not only come in a single-size rectangular format. They can be cut into the silhouettes of the subject matter, so that you can remove background, leaving only the things you want to leave in. They come in a wide range of sizes that, depending on the company, run from 12 inches tall to 6 and ½ feet tall. They go up easily; although both companies stress that it's a two person job, and requires no paste or tape to put up. They are scratch resistant, stick securely to the wall and come off easily, without damaging the wallboard or paint and leaving no residue. Despite that, they are reusable and can be hung up and taken down multiple times. Both companies allow you to select a photo from their library of photos covering a wide variety of subject matter, but you can also order a custom Wallhog and a custom Fathead using your personal photos.
The Perfect Gift
Any Custom Fathead or custom Wallhog always make great gifts. Imagine taking your child's artwork that they are so proud of and blowing it up to a 2 x 4 foot poster they can stick on any flat wall in their room. It's also great for photographers who want to show off their artwork. Also, a Custom Fathead or a custom Wallhog is perfect for sports fans. What fan could resist a 4 x 6 ½ foot photo of Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning throwing a touchdown pass or soccer star Carlos Bocanegra going for a goal. You could just easily have a life-size photo of that special man or woman in your life to hang in your room. Both custom Fathead and custom Wallhog allows you to upload and edit your photos any way you like, so you have the perfect poster to give to a friend - or to keep for yourself. Prices for a custom Fathead or custom Wallhog a range from under $20 for the smaller sizes to over $150 for the giant ones, but you are sure to be able to find one that will fit easily into just about every budget.
To Learn more about CUSTOM FATHEADS AND WALLHOGS go to:
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5 Steps to Create Your Own Real-Sized Cardboard Cutout
Do you ever dream of that your favorite artist standing beside you? Or maybe you want to have real-sized photograph of your idol? So, you are able to see your idol in a real-sized and make you feel close to him/her. Just create it by your own hand. Yeah, you can craft the real-sized cardboard cutouts at your comfy home.
If you are eager to have it one, follow the 5 easy steps below.
1. Choose High-Resolution Photo.
Pick one of high-resolution photo that you will use. It's important to produce fascinating image without reducing the quality. You are free to select image, no matter about the pose, the major part is high-resolution. You must choose photo that sizes over 10-megapixels in order to give clean lines image. Find the photo in anywhere you want, you are allowed to search it in Google, or transfer it from your own digital camera.
2. Extend the Image.
There are many software you can choose to enlarging image. Those tools will help you to expand the image without sacrificing the quality. The program also eases you to print the photo in multiply sheets of paper, so you can arrange it like puzzle. If you don't have enough money to purchase the program, you can go to print shop and produce it in the proper size you want.
3. Arrange the Image.
Next step after you print the image, you must organize or put the pieces images on the cardboard. You can use glue to stick it on the cardboard. Ensure you arrange it well and make certain that there is no piece which smeared or blotched during printing process.
4. Use Best Equipment.
To create real-sized cardboard you need best quality equipment such as strong glue. It will ease you adhere each piece on the cardboard. You must be more concentration while doing it. Each time you stick the paper on cardboard, check the edges and confirm that they line up well.
5. Cut the Figure.
If you are done gluing all and the glue completely dry, place the image on the cardboard and cut around the edge of it. Don't forget to leave extra cardboard at the bottom, so you can slide it into cutout. Finally, your idol real-sized cardboard finish and could standing beside you.
If you are eager to have it one, follow the 5 easy steps below.
1. Choose High-Resolution Photo.
Pick one of high-resolution photo that you will use. It's important to produce fascinating image without reducing the quality. You are free to select image, no matter about the pose, the major part is high-resolution. You must choose photo that sizes over 10-megapixels in order to give clean lines image. Find the photo in anywhere you want, you are allowed to search it in Google, or transfer it from your own digital camera.
2. Extend the Image.
There are many software you can choose to enlarging image. Those tools will help you to expand the image without sacrificing the quality. The program also eases you to print the photo in multiply sheets of paper, so you can arrange it like puzzle. If you don't have enough money to purchase the program, you can go to print shop and produce it in the proper size you want.
3. Arrange the Image.
Next step after you print the image, you must organize or put the pieces images on the cardboard. You can use glue to stick it on the cardboard. Ensure you arrange it well and make certain that there is no piece which smeared or blotched during printing process.
4. Use Best Equipment.
To create real-sized cardboard you need best quality equipment such as strong glue. It will ease you adhere each piece on the cardboard. You must be more concentration while doing it. Each time you stick the paper on cardboard, check the edges and confirm that they line up well.
5. Cut the Figure.
If you are done gluing all and the glue completely dry, place the image on the cardboard and cut around the edge of it. Don't forget to leave extra cardboard at the bottom, so you can slide it into cutout. Finally, your idol real-sized cardboard finish and could standing beside you.
Know more steps to create your own real-sized cardboard cutout in Almost Breathing, or you can visit our website
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Lifesize Cardboard Cutouts - Fun Which Can Be Easily Made By One
Celebrity cutouts or animal cutouts are very attractive as well as everybody's favourite. They can be either used in one's room to decorate or can be used in some function or occasion. Life-size cardboard cutouts are amusing to make. They are effortlessly made and can be used in parties; children can play with it at times and moreover also to decorate rooms.
There is a way how you can have a life-size cardboard cutout of your own. Browsing internet will lend you with this various information. They are available in market in whatever size you want them to be. Anybody can order it of any size they want to a company manufacturing it and in-turn will have to pay some bucks. The other option is one can make it themselves which would cost them not much expensive. The process of making a cardboard cutout for oneself is so very simple. Firstly to make a life-size cardboard cutoff one needs a picture which will be blown up later on to create a life-size cutoff. For taking a picture one needs a camera. One should use high resolution and huge mega-pixels camera so as to get a clear picture when blown up. Or if not want to click with your camera one can even browse internet and search for some beautiful pictures. But he should keep in mind the clarity of the picture. The picture clicked should have a white background which makes editing easier.
Editing is the next step after clicking the picture. Editing can be done easily on a picture with a white background rather than on the colourful background. Next step after getting a picture is to Photoshop them. Things will get very easy if one deletes the backgrounds this will be less expensive. The picture having a person can be cutout or the things of which life-size cardboard cutout is to be made should be cut down separately. Next is zooming the picture which in other words blowing up an image. This picture can be printed out at home. Printing at home will be less expensive but will have certain lines on it. To avoid these lines get the picture photo-shop. Later take some adhesive and stick the cutout with the cardboard along with the foam or cotton pad. Stand can also be used to make the cardboard cutout stand straight.
There is a way how you can have a life-size cardboard cutout of your own. Browsing internet will lend you with this various information. They are available in market in whatever size you want them to be. Anybody can order it of any size they want to a company manufacturing it and in-turn will have to pay some bucks. The other option is one can make it themselves which would cost them not much expensive. The process of making a cardboard cutout for oneself is so very simple. Firstly to make a life-size cardboard cutoff one needs a picture which will be blown up later on to create a life-size cutoff. For taking a picture one needs a camera. One should use high resolution and huge mega-pixels camera so as to get a clear picture when blown up. Or if not want to click with your camera one can even browse internet and search for some beautiful pictures. But he should keep in mind the clarity of the picture. The picture clicked should have a white background which makes editing easier.
Editing is the next step after clicking the picture. Editing can be done easily on a picture with a white background rather than on the colourful background. Next step after getting a picture is to Photoshop them. Things will get very easy if one deletes the backgrounds this will be less expensive. The picture having a person can be cutout or the things of which life-size cardboard cutout is to be made should be cut down separately. Next is zooming the picture which in other words blowing up an image. This picture can be printed out at home. Printing at home will be less expensive but will have certain lines on it. To avoid these lines get the picture photo-shop. Later take some adhesive and stick the cutout with the cardboard along with the foam or cotton pad. Stand can also be used to make the cardboard cutout stand straight.
Interestingly these cutouts can be used to even scare children or friends. As they seem to look real when are made for e.g. lifesize cardboard cutouts of a lizard, or any other animal.
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Cardboard Cutouts - A Great Product for Any Birthday or Anniversary Party or Any Themed Event
Planning a themed party event for a loved one is one of the most difficult tasks that we are faced with. Whether it is a big anniversary party for 1000 people or a smaller birthday party for your 6 year-old, the challenges remain the same.
1. Where should the event should be held at?
2. What kind of food and entertainment are needed to please the guests?
3. And most importantly, how do I make sure that everyone who attends will have a great time?
It is our experience that the first two questions are answered rather quickly in the party planning process, while the question revolving around guest enjoyment lingers on until the day of the event and can be the most agonizing and stressful.
Introduction to Cardboard Cutouts
One of the best ways to ensure that your guests have a great time is to make the event as festive as possible. If the event is a Justin Bieber themed birthday party for a 10 year old, one of the best ways to enhance guest excitement as well as the happiness of the birthday boy/girl is to extend the theme beyond the standard themed paper plates, cups and cake.
Based on our experience, the best way to do this is to add Cardboard Cutouts for any birthday, anniversary party or any other themed event. Cardboard Cutouts, sometimes called Cardboard Standups or Party Standups, are lifesize cutouts of celebrities such as Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe or Justin Bieber, which are pasted onto Cardboard and Foamboard and come with a detachable easel so they can stand unassisted.
History of Cardboard Cutouts
Having been in existence for about 25 years, Cardboard Cutouts have in the last 5 years gained mainstream popularity due to the increased celebrity culture we live in, celebrities wanting to extend their own "brand" by licensing their "likeness" which has significantly increased the quantity available as well as their reasonable price.
So if your husband is an Elvis Presley Fan, in addition to all the other Elvis accessories that you will buy for his birthday party, make sure to put an Elvis Cardboard Cutout on the list. This will add a level of excitement to the party and get guests more in the mood to have a great time at this themed party event.
Where to Find Cardboard Cutouts?
These Celebrity Cutouts are licensed merchandise from the celebrity and can be found in your local gift or party store. Due to the vast amount of party standups available from even a single celebrity (There are over 15 Elvis Presley cardboard standups!), sometimes your local party store is not the best option as their inventory is limited. We recommend that you visit the internet and select a cardboard cutout store as they typically will have hundreds of varied party cutouts in inventory at any given time.
So, if you are planning that special birthday, holiday or themed event, make sure to remember to add Cardboard Cutouts to your list. It will enhance the party experience for all your guests.
1. Where should the event should be held at?
2. What kind of food and entertainment are needed to please the guests?
3. And most importantly, how do I make sure that everyone who attends will have a great time?
It is our experience that the first two questions are answered rather quickly in the party planning process, while the question revolving around guest enjoyment lingers on until the day of the event and can be the most agonizing and stressful.
Introduction to Cardboard Cutouts
One of the best ways to ensure that your guests have a great time is to make the event as festive as possible. If the event is a Justin Bieber themed birthday party for a 10 year old, one of the best ways to enhance guest excitement as well as the happiness of the birthday boy/girl is to extend the theme beyond the standard themed paper plates, cups and cake.
Based on our experience, the best way to do this is to add Cardboard Cutouts for any birthday, anniversary party or any other themed event. Cardboard Cutouts, sometimes called Cardboard Standups or Party Standups, are lifesize cutouts of celebrities such as Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe or Justin Bieber, which are pasted onto Cardboard and Foamboard and come with a detachable easel so they can stand unassisted.
History of Cardboard Cutouts
Having been in existence for about 25 years, Cardboard Cutouts have in the last 5 years gained mainstream popularity due to the increased celebrity culture we live in, celebrities wanting to extend their own "brand" by licensing their "likeness" which has significantly increased the quantity available as well as their reasonable price.
So if your husband is an Elvis Presley Fan, in addition to all the other Elvis accessories that you will buy for his birthday party, make sure to put an Elvis Cardboard Cutout on the list. This will add a level of excitement to the party and get guests more in the mood to have a great time at this themed party event.
Where to Find Cardboard Cutouts?
These Celebrity Cutouts are licensed merchandise from the celebrity and can be found in your local gift or party store. Due to the vast amount of party standups available from even a single celebrity (There are over 15 Elvis Presley cardboard standups!), sometimes your local party store is not the best option as their inventory is limited. We recommend that you visit the internet and select a cardboard cutout store as they typically will have hundreds of varied party cutouts in inventory at any given time.
So, if you are planning that special birthday, holiday or themed event, make sure to remember to add Cardboard Cutouts to your list. It will enhance the party experience for all your guests.
Michael Saunders is Chairman of
Famous Cutouts is the largest retailer of Cardboard Cutouts on the Internet. Sometimes called Celebrity Cutouts or Party Standups, Famous Cutouts carries over 800 different celebrity cutouts including Justin Bieber, Elvis Presley, Toy Story and Marilyn Monroe and many more.
Article Source: Famous Cutouts is the largest retailer of Cardboard Cutouts on the Internet. Sometimes called Celebrity Cutouts or Party Standups, Famous Cutouts carries over 800 different celebrity cutouts including Justin Bieber, Elvis Presley, Toy Story and Marilyn Monroe and many more.
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How to Draw Caricatures
Many people want to learn how to draw. And a popular cartooning expertise is how to draw caricatures. How to draw caricature, starts with a love for drawing faces. There are many books that show how to draw people. I really enjoy the Jack Hamm books; they give you multiple ideas and techniques in drawing simple and detailed cartoons. If you want to know how to draw a car, how to draw the Marvel way, is great for cars, helicopters, plane and space age gizmos. When teaching my students how to draw cartoons, I always work with different shapes and lines. The same is in how to draw a caricature, look at the shapes and lines in the face and try to represent the shapes and line direction. When looking to become a professional artist find your best current work for promotional art prints. Custom art prints sent to art directors are the best way to sell your drawing style. You can create portraits and landscape art prints, depending on the layout of your work.
Collecting famous art prints can influence your work and greatly contribute to the quality of your talent. Most of the framed art prints, I collect I see on a steady basis, which helps me creatively. I collect humorous art prints by Jack Davis and Mort Drucker of Mad Fame. Most of the art prints online, come unframed. Framing can become very expensive. I find art prints portraits of famous celebrities. These celebrity art prints can be very helpful in drawing your caricature art. Caricature drawings should always start out with a very lightly penciled sketch. Do not put too much detail in the initial caricature drawing. Try always to pick well known celebrities for your celebrity caricature. Drawing a lesser known actor, may prevent the public from recognizing the likeness you created. A custom caricature should always be your original work, but picking up on how other Caricature artists exaggerate the celebrity can be quite helpful. Most beginners exaggerate, just for the sake of exaggerating. If you want to become a caricature artist, try to find the most outstanding facial feature. A cartoon caricature should represent the person in exaggeration, but still maintain the likeness.
The most important factor is practice. A beginner can create a caricature for a gift, for friends and relatives. Caricature gifts created by an art student or hobbyist can be a cherished gift by your loved ones. Caricature cartoons can also be created digitally with programs such as Painter or Photoshop. A caricature gift can be drawn of a single individual or created as a group caricature. Photoshop can also create a photo caricature, stretching and distorting an actual photo of a face. The key to making a funny caricature is also in creating a theme or sport that ties into the persons interests. A caricature illustration can be as simple as a 5 minute drawing to works of art that take weeks to complete. Recently we have seen the rise of caricature software that creates a comical face from a photo. On Face book they have services that create a caricature free. The caricature free software can create a simple caricature portrait, But famous caricature artists still create their drawings from scratch. Ones ability to learn caricature can be helped by searching "how to draw" sites on Google. Google Images is also an online caricature treasure trove of classic comical images.
Article Source: Collecting famous art prints can influence your work and greatly contribute to the quality of your talent. Most of the framed art prints, I collect I see on a steady basis, which helps me creatively. I collect humorous art prints by Jack Davis and Mort Drucker of Mad Fame. Most of the art prints online, come unframed. Framing can become very expensive. I find art prints portraits of famous celebrities. These celebrity art prints can be very helpful in drawing your caricature art. Caricature drawings should always start out with a very lightly penciled sketch. Do not put too much detail in the initial caricature drawing. Try always to pick well known celebrities for your celebrity caricature. Drawing a lesser known actor, may prevent the public from recognizing the likeness you created. A custom caricature should always be your original work, but picking up on how other Caricature artists exaggerate the celebrity can be quite helpful. Most beginners exaggerate, just for the sake of exaggerating. If you want to become a caricature artist, try to find the most outstanding facial feature. A cartoon caricature should represent the person in exaggeration, but still maintain the likeness.
The most important factor is practice. A beginner can create a caricature for a gift, for friends and relatives. Caricature gifts created by an art student or hobbyist can be a cherished gift by your loved ones. Caricature cartoons can also be created digitally with programs such as Painter or Photoshop. A caricature gift can be drawn of a single individual or created as a group caricature. Photoshop can also create a photo caricature, stretching and distorting an actual photo of a face. The key to making a funny caricature is also in creating a theme or sport that ties into the persons interests. A caricature illustration can be as simple as a 5 minute drawing to works of art that take weeks to complete. Recently we have seen the rise of caricature software that creates a comical face from a photo. On Face book they have services that create a caricature free. The caricature free software can create a simple caricature portrait, But famous caricature artists still create their drawings from scratch. Ones ability to learn caricature can be helped by searching "how to draw" sites on Google. Google Images is also an online caricature treasure trove of classic comical images.
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Suggestions On Caricature And Portrait Drawing
When you're learning how to draw people, you may want to base your knowledge on portrait drawing, or perhaps on caricatures or manga cartoons. However, to start with it really is a good idea to learn to draw people in the most basic of concept and then go on to specialising your talent. So how do you illustrate? This is a really good question and one that many budding artists are asking; once you've learned how to draw still life and objects, it's only natural that you desire to progress to drawing portraits.
When you learn to draw people it is advised that you start by drawing the head, being able to split the face up and to appropriately position the facial features is not as challenging as it sounds and clear examples can be found in an excellent e book which make learning to draw people fun. An excellent suggestion here is to put to the back of your mind any past bad experiences you've had with drawing people and faces and to have faith in the best e books which will show you how it is done.
With the right instruction from the best e-book you really can learn how to draw portraits, even if you've always failed at portrait drawing previously, you really can succeed. What you need to do is learn the basic principles in portrait drawing, and this always starts with learning to draw the head and facial features. Once you're comfortable with the way you are drawing the head and the face then it is time to move on to learn how to draw the body of the person in the proper proportions to the head.
Once you have mastered the art of drawing portraits and correctly proportioning your drawings you might want to concentrate on caricatures or cartoons, here you'll find that the proportions of the person will inevitably change. It is essential that you first learn the basics of portrait building and from there on you can adapt your style to cartoons or caricatures.
Caricatures and cartoon drawings are a way to express your individuality in the style of your drawing, and for this you need a sound basis of how to draw portraits that you can learn from following the directions in the best e books. Caricatures are a fantastic way of making learning how to draw fun, and with the proper instruction even the most beginners of artists will be drawing great and amusing caricatures in no time. And drawing caricatures and cartoons doesn't simply need to be a hobby or pastime; you may develop it up into a successful and pleasant career as well. Guaranteed, when you learn to draw effectively people, you'll find a satisfaction and a fantastic sense of wellness that you never knew you had before.
When you learn to draw people it is advised that you start by drawing the head, being able to split the face up and to appropriately position the facial features is not as challenging as it sounds and clear examples can be found in an excellent e book which make learning to draw people fun. An excellent suggestion here is to put to the back of your mind any past bad experiences you've had with drawing people and faces and to have faith in the best e books which will show you how it is done.
With the right instruction from the best e-book you really can learn how to draw portraits, even if you've always failed at portrait drawing previously, you really can succeed. What you need to do is learn the basic principles in portrait drawing, and this always starts with learning to draw the head and facial features. Once you're comfortable with the way you are drawing the head and the face then it is time to move on to learn how to draw the body of the person in the proper proportions to the head.
Once you have mastered the art of drawing portraits and correctly proportioning your drawings you might want to concentrate on caricatures or cartoons, here you'll find that the proportions of the person will inevitably change. It is essential that you first learn the basics of portrait building and from there on you can adapt your style to cartoons or caricatures.
Caricatures and cartoon drawings are a way to express your individuality in the style of your drawing, and for this you need a sound basis of how to draw portraits that you can learn from following the directions in the best e books. Caricatures are a fantastic way of making learning how to draw fun, and with the proper instruction even the most beginners of artists will be drawing great and amusing caricatures in no time. And drawing caricatures and cartoons doesn't simply need to be a hobby or pastime; you may develop it up into a successful and pleasant career as well. Guaranteed, when you learn to draw effectively people, you'll find a satisfaction and a fantastic sense of wellness that you never knew you had before.
Looking to learn or master how to draw people quickly and easily? Check out for great techniques and resources on how to draw people including drawing pictures, figure drawing, caricature drawing, cartoon and manga drawing, and more.
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Tips on Caricature Drawing - Things That You Should Know
If you want to make good money and be loved by people all around you by drawing cartoon face then you must teach yourself how to draw caricatures. It can be very rewarding but it is not very easy to tell the truth. But you should not consider that to be a problem because what that actually means is high entry barrier.
No green horn is going to be able to dash you out. So do not be afraid of the long learning curve.
And in this article we will be covering some guiding points that will help you to make your work easier. Select your drawing materials wisely. True cartoon drawing is an inexpensive hobby and you can get started with a pencil and piece of paper.
But when you have somewhat mastered the art and planning to make some green by drawing caricature you should invest in some quality pencil, synthetic eraser and high quality papers on which you will be creating your master piece.
When you will be creating caricature of an individual then it must to create good relation with the person. And keep in mind to draw caricature it is not essential to do a one on one session with the person. You will be good to go if can get one detailed photograph of the person. This way you be able to get more caricature making assignments.
It is also not essential to use a computer for you work but if are the one who prefers to use computer software to the finishing work on your creation then it will be best if you can invest in a drawing tablet. It will make your interaction with computer more natural and intuitive.
No green horn is going to be able to dash you out. So do not be afraid of the long learning curve.
And in this article we will be covering some guiding points that will help you to make your work easier. Select your drawing materials wisely. True cartoon drawing is an inexpensive hobby and you can get started with a pencil and piece of paper.
But when you have somewhat mastered the art and planning to make some green by drawing caricature you should invest in some quality pencil, synthetic eraser and high quality papers on which you will be creating your master piece.
When you will be creating caricature of an individual then it must to create good relation with the person. And keep in mind to draw caricature it is not essential to do a one on one session with the person. You will be good to go if can get one detailed photograph of the person. This way you be able to get more caricature making assignments.
It is also not essential to use a computer for you work but if are the one who prefers to use computer software to the finishing work on your creation then it will be best if you can invest in a drawing tablet. It will make your interaction with computer more natural and intuitive.
Want to make amazing cartoons fast to amaze your buddies? Visit how to draw cartoons to know how you can do that.
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How To Draw A Caricature - Important Things To Keep In Mind In Drawing Caricatures
No matter how the nose of a person is being drawn too big for his face, you can still recognize the person being depicted on the caricature. This, indeed, makes caricatures a lot more appealing than the usual portraits. It also makes drawing more fun.
If you are interested in learning how to draw a caricature, one thing that you need to learn is to learn how draw people's faces in correct proportion. You can do this by starting out with a photo and drawing it as it is.
Learn how to look for the identifying features of a photo. Indeed, if you want to learn how to draw a caricature, you have to learn how to look at a face and what features of the face that you can exaggerate. If your subject has a big nose, or a double chin, or rounded eyes, and these are the first features of the face that 'jump at you' when you first look at it, then you got the part that you can exaggerate.
Some faces may have difficult features for exaggeration, but with constant practice, you can actually learn how to distinguish them easily. There are also distinct ways on how to draw the different features of the face to make it look like a cartoon. You may learn how to draw the eyes, the nose, the chin, the hair etc., like the way it is on cartoons. Solid black lines are often used in this process as well as simple lines. There may be a little shading but just a little.
If you are interested to learn the different elements on how to draw cartoons, it is important to get a detailed guide that will help you step-by-step on the process. A video tutorial can also be good however.
Now, if you have drawn your photo by pencil or by bold black lines, you can then start drawing several caricatures that exaggerates different features of the face. You can draw one that has an exaggerated nose, and one with an exaggerated eyes or chin - then you can choice from among the caricatures which resembles most to the photo you have, or that which the person can still be identified even with the distortion or the exaggeration.
Indeed, it is important to keep in mind that the most important elements of a caricature is its likelihood to the subject or the person you are drawing. Without likelihood, it cannot be a caricature. Another important element is the exaggeration of the drawing. Of course, caricatures must have exaggerations or else, they are not caricatures. Aside from these, caricatures also convey a message about the character being drawn.
Carolyn Anderson loves to draw, sketch and paint. If your interest is on how to draw a caricature, check out Fun With Caricatures. Also check out Draw Cartoons With Chad, a tutorial to help you learn how to draw cartoons fast and easy.
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Understanding Caricature: How Do You Draw Caricatures?
A caricature is a portrait of a person and a way to exaggerate those features that suggest its fundamental meaning. To learn how to draw caricatures successfully, you should always consider the facial features of a face to make it more recognizable. That is the real meaning of this art form.
Knowing how to draw caricatures step by step makes the process so much easier. Start to learn how it should be done; here are some simple steps that you might find useful.
Choose Your Subject
To be able to point out a unique idea, it is good to find a best subject to sketch. You must have an eye to spot the specific and excellent character and traits or utilize the outlook of the subject to come up with a fun and interesting portrait.
Draw The Elements
The final outcome of caricature is the elements. You must balance the elements of exaggeration and likeness. Draw the most detailed components when doing your final touch.
Ensure the Proportion
Pay attention to proportion as it might affect the whole outcome of your drawing. To get the right proportioning, see how far it relates so other part of areas. Proportions are often exaggerated in caricature to create a distorting and fun effect.
Distortion and Exaggeration
Play with your features, make an overstatement character and conduct a hyperbolic means when finalizing your caricature drawing. By analyzing the construction of the head, the types of features and the meaning of the gesture-then drawing it becomes routine.
Learning should need hard work and dedication. Keep looking for information that can help you with your practice. Read blogs, browse websites and watch videos as it allows you to be taught actively on the spot instead of spending more time figuring out how you should describe the caricature of your subject.
A caricature drawing tutorial is a good investment when developing your skills. Once you've learned the right technique, people will love to accompany you. And soon you can earn with your new skill to get on winning a new exciting career. The best thing to do when you learn to draw is to perform from real life. Start by sketching an easy photo or pictures, but with gradual progress you should begin drawing people in much advance method. Taking the process step by step is the best, and quickest, method. Thus, this art form that still very much alive and flourishing, especially because of new innovative digital technology.
Knowing how to draw caricatures step by step makes the process so much easier. Start to learn how it should be done; here are some simple steps that you might find useful.
Choose Your Subject
To be able to point out a unique idea, it is good to find a best subject to sketch. You must have an eye to spot the specific and excellent character and traits or utilize the outlook of the subject to come up with a fun and interesting portrait.
Draw The Elements
The final outcome of caricature is the elements. You must balance the elements of exaggeration and likeness. Draw the most detailed components when doing your final touch.
Ensure the Proportion
Pay attention to proportion as it might affect the whole outcome of your drawing. To get the right proportioning, see how far it relates so other part of areas. Proportions are often exaggerated in caricature to create a distorting and fun effect.
Distortion and Exaggeration
Play with your features, make an overstatement character and conduct a hyperbolic means when finalizing your caricature drawing. By analyzing the construction of the head, the types of features and the meaning of the gesture-then drawing it becomes routine.
Learning should need hard work and dedication. Keep looking for information that can help you with your practice. Read blogs, browse websites and watch videos as it allows you to be taught actively on the spot instead of spending more time figuring out how you should describe the caricature of your subject.
A caricature drawing tutorial is a good investment when developing your skills. Once you've learned the right technique, people will love to accompany you. And soon you can earn with your new skill to get on winning a new exciting career. The best thing to do when you learn to draw is to perform from real life. Start by sketching an easy photo or pictures, but with gradual progress you should begin drawing people in much advance method. Taking the process step by step is the best, and quickest, method. Thus, this art form that still very much alive and flourishing, especially because of new innovative digital technology.
Want to learn more about more about How Do You Draw Caricatures? Visit my website at ==>
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How To Draw Caricatures Step by Step - Love What You Are Doing Too!
You start out with a basic idea in your mind about what the portrait is going to look like. Unfortunately, it doesn't always end up looking exactly the way you thought it would. Every artist has their good days and bad days just like everyone else. So how do you get organized to be "on your game" all the time?
A caricature drawing tutorial is a good investment if you just can't seem to get things on track. There are some very talented people in the industry that want to share their insights and experience. Being to proud to recognize that you need help is simply foolish.
Caricatures require a completely different perspective than other kinds of art. The good news is that you don't have to be too exact with your portraits. By nature they are kind of a "free flowing" effort. You adapt and change the portrait as you go along. That's why it is so much fun!
There are some basic concepts that will serve you well though. That's when knowing how to draw caricatures step by step becomes so important. You do have to build your portrait in "layers".
You start with an idea of what the finished product is going to look like. A good caricature artist has done their homework about the subject even before they start though. How can you draw a caricature if you don't know something about your subject?
At that point, you can figure out what the picture should look like when it is done. You will find that being prepared is the most critical step in the process. The proportions and features will automatically start flowing once you have done the preliminaries.
A draw caricatures book is an excellent resource if you are just starting out. This is an art form that is much more difficult than it looks! Stick with it and you will be drawing like a pro in no time at all!
The author has a variety of interests including art. She knows the value of a caricatures drawing tutorial from her years of experience. If you are just starting out don't underestimate how important a caricatures course is for improving your skills.
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Top Resources To Learn How To Draw Caricatures
Caricature drawing can be a fun hobby for people who enjoy drawing things and humor at the same time. In this post I will try to list some of the best online resources to help you learn fast and easy.
Resource # 1: Fun With Caricatures - 7 Days To Cartoon Success eBook
This interesting resource is written by 30 year veteran artist and master cartoonist Graeme Biddle. In this guide Mr. Biddle does a great job for teaching it in a fast, easy and a really cheap way.
In Fun With Caricatures eBook, he has prepared a 7 day home learning course composed of fun video lessons. With only a small investment of $29,95, anyone can get access to these videos instantly.
Fun With Caricatures video series is the easiest way to learn with the advantage of learning this valuable information from a professional artist and tutor who knows all the tips, tactics and secrets.
It is great for people who wants to learn how to draw caricature without attending to courses. This downloadable eBook on how to draw caricature, has the following:
Resource # 2: Learn To Draw Cartoon Portraits and Caricatures DVD
This is another great resource especially on drawing the face. The step by step video instructions walks you through drawing the face in great detail: there are separate learning sessions on face shapes, the eyes, noses, mouths, ear, hair shapes, bears and facial hair.
Inside these video series, you will find examples of two celebrity caricatures drawn from scratch; to help you understand better what to look for and what to exaggerate when drawing caricatures.
This video guide is a must have for people who wants to learn how to draw caricature, and develop your skills as a caricature artist.-
Resource # 3: Caricature and Cartoon Drawing Manual
This resource is a free eBook coming with Cartoon Drawing Secrets program. This downloadable book guides you on the necessary knowledge and practice required when drawing in a step by step manner. You'll find analysis of the various points in a man's personality to be seized upon in this guide.
Resource # 1: Fun With Caricatures - 7 Days To Cartoon Success eBook
This interesting resource is written by 30 year veteran artist and master cartoonist Graeme Biddle. In this guide Mr. Biddle does a great job for teaching it in a fast, easy and a really cheap way.
In Fun With Caricatures eBook, he has prepared a 7 day home learning course composed of fun video lessons. With only a small investment of $29,95, anyone can get access to these videos instantly.
Fun With Caricatures video series is the easiest way to learn with the advantage of learning this valuable information from a professional artist and tutor who knows all the tips, tactics and secrets.
It is great for people who wants to learn how to draw caricature without attending to courses. This downloadable eBook on how to draw caricature, has the following:
- 7 day home study course
- 10 videos showing you step by step
- 3D poses on drawing caricatures; learn the art of drawing heads, hands and feet from any angle
- Over 400 drawings and poses
- Fun With Caricature; the 90 pages of e-book
Resource # 2: Learn To Draw Cartoon Portraits and Caricatures DVD
This is another great resource especially on drawing the face. The step by step video instructions walks you through drawing the face in great detail: there are separate learning sessions on face shapes, the eyes, noses, mouths, ear, hair shapes, bears and facial hair.
Inside these video series, you will find examples of two celebrity caricatures drawn from scratch; to help you understand better what to look for and what to exaggerate when drawing caricatures.
This video guide is a must have for people who wants to learn how to draw caricature, and develop your skills as a caricature artist.-
Resource # 3: Caricature and Cartoon Drawing Manual
This resource is a free eBook coming with Cartoon Drawing Secrets program. This downloadable book guides you on the necessary knowledge and practice required when drawing in a step by step manner. You'll find analysis of the various points in a man's personality to be seized upon in this guide.
For more information on how to draw caricature, visit my site for instructions to learn step by step.
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How To Draw Caricatures: Learn Step-By-Step
The idea of drawing has attracted people since ancient times. A sharp stone and a smooth crave wall was enough for the ancient men to caricature things around them.
Caricature drawing is not a very complex, complicated and expensive thing; anyone can draw. The hard thing about it is to discover this ability, work patiently, and challenge. Anyone can learn how to draw caricatures with the ability to draw things, and has the patience to challenge!
For people who wants to learn how to draw caricatures, I'll give some detail about the drawing techniques and materials used by the professional caricaturists first and later give step by step instructions on how to draw caricatures so that you can follow the steps and start drawing caricatures. You will need the following tools when drawing caricatures:
Step 2 - Start setting your composition into the image paper with a pencil. According to the joke, draw the most important elements of your composition; the places of figures, the background, the detailed objects, in a easily understood composition.
The process of learning how to draw caricatures is a tough process full of a lot of trial and errors and thus requires a lot of patience. Draw and erase the unwanted details until you are satisfied with the final composition.
At this point, you can look to the appearances of the figures you have trouble to draw. You can look it up in internet and try to draw the things after seeing their pictures first.
Step 3 - Once you complete drawing your caricature composition with the pencil and feel satisfied with it; the next step will be scanning over your drawing lines with ink. You will use the cartoon pen at this step. Go over all the lines with cartoon pen and ink the lines of your caricature drawing until you ink the whole composition.
Step 4 - Wait until the ink dries and erase the traces of pencil which you have drawn previously before the ink.
Step 5 -Start writing the balloons. It is better not to use cartoon pen for balloon writing purposes. Instead you can try any other pen with various 0.5, 0.7 or 1 point size markers. Of course in an easy to read and all in capital letters.
All these tools and techniques are what is needed to draw caricatures; but the most important factor is you, the person who wants to learn how to draw caricatures. If you can combine work, care and aesthetics concerns with a talent backed up with the patience, then you can learn how to draw caricatures the right way.
Caricature drawing is not a very complex, complicated and expensive thing; anyone can draw. The hard thing about it is to discover this ability, work patiently, and challenge. Anyone can learn how to draw caricatures with the ability to draw things, and has the patience to challenge!
For people who wants to learn how to draw caricatures, I'll give some detail about the drawing techniques and materials used by the professional caricaturists first and later give step by step instructions on how to draw caricatures so that you can follow the steps and start drawing caricatures. You will need the following tools when drawing caricatures:
- good quality pencil; which should not be too hard or too soft, preferably H or HB pencil.
- good quality eraser; preferably waxed and soft to erase without trace.
- good quality drawing paper; should be good enough to resist the stroke impact of the pencil, and not to peel off. This paper is preferred by the professional cartoonists for its resistance against the ink when working over the caricature drawing drafts.
- good quality ink; black Chinese or Indian ink.
- good quality cartoon pen
Step 2 - Start setting your composition into the image paper with a pencil. According to the joke, draw the most important elements of your composition; the places of figures, the background, the detailed objects, in a easily understood composition.
The process of learning how to draw caricatures is a tough process full of a lot of trial and errors and thus requires a lot of patience. Draw and erase the unwanted details until you are satisfied with the final composition.
At this point, you can look to the appearances of the figures you have trouble to draw. You can look it up in internet and try to draw the things after seeing their pictures first.
Step 3 - Once you complete drawing your caricature composition with the pencil and feel satisfied with it; the next step will be scanning over your drawing lines with ink. You will use the cartoon pen at this step. Go over all the lines with cartoon pen and ink the lines of your caricature drawing until you ink the whole composition.
Step 4 - Wait until the ink dries and erase the traces of pencil which you have drawn previously before the ink.
Step 5 -Start writing the balloons. It is better not to use cartoon pen for balloon writing purposes. Instead you can try any other pen with various 0.5, 0.7 or 1 point size markers. Of course in an easy to read and all in capital letters.
All these tools and techniques are what is needed to draw caricatures; but the most important factor is you, the person who wants to learn how to draw caricatures. If you can combine work, care and aesthetics concerns with a talent backed up with the patience, then you can learn how to draw caricatures the right way.
For more information on how to draw caricatures, visit my site for instructions to learn to draw caricatures step-by-step
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How to Draw Fat People: Caricatures That Don't Hurt
The first thing I hear when someone sits in front of me for a caricature is usually "Make me skinnier."
Well, that and "Make me younger." And sometimes, "Make me prettier." "Make my nose smaller." "Make my boobs bigger."
People are worried about how they are going to look in a caricature. They want to be made fun of... but not too much. Every now and then someone sits down and says "Go for it," but most of the time, I have to draw the line between funny and cute.
So here's what I do, and what I recommend for anyone trying to draw heavier people: Split the Difference.
Imagine someone averagely thin. Imagine where they would go on the paper. Now look at the heavy person in front of you. See how much larger they are than the person you're imagining, and split the difference.
If that neck is actually two inches wider than the average neck, make it one inch wider. If the cheeks droop an inch below the jaw, make it half an inch. If there are three chins, make it one and a faint suggestion of a chin.
Doing this, you can keep your good cartoon likeness and still manage to flatter a little bit. It's kind of an optimistic drawing... it's what your subject would look like after a month or two of diet and exercise.
Weight is usually carried around the neck, cheeks, and jaw. There's not much difference between fat and skinny above the ears. It's the lower half of the face you have to be most careful of. It's especially difficult when you're adding that little caricature body.
See, an average-thin face will have a prominent jaw and a prominent chin. You draw a thick, heavy line around the underside of the face, then you can slap a neck and body of any size underneath it. It looks like a bobblehead, but it appears natural to us.
A really fat person will have a big, bulging neck that leads directly out from below their ears. The jaw vanishes. It's prominent enough to be an important part of their likeness, but very difficult to bring down into a scrawny caricature neck you can fit onto a tiny body. With no jaw, there is no clear line where the head ends and the neck begins.
In this situation, I use the chin as my guide.
Imagine a simple chin drawn on a page by itself. It's a somewhat flattened U-shape. If you draw a thin person's jaw around it, the chin will protrude down past the jaw. If you draw a stocky person's jaw, it will join flush with the underside of the U. And if you draw a chubby person's double chin, it will form it's own shape a full half-inch or inch below that U.
Here's how you attach the heavy neck to the tiny body: Use that double chin technique. Draw a big round shape that floats below the chin. Start from below the ears, bulge out in the real shape of the neck, but then bring your lines together under the chin. Leave a gap wide enough for whatever tiny neck you're going to put there. Then, you can put a little skinny neck, a little skinny body, and keep the likeness while still flattering a little bit!
See my whole gallery here:
Well, that and "Make me younger." And sometimes, "Make me prettier." "Make my nose smaller." "Make my boobs bigger."
People are worried about how they are going to look in a caricature. They want to be made fun of... but not too much. Every now and then someone sits down and says "Go for it," but most of the time, I have to draw the line between funny and cute.
So here's what I do, and what I recommend for anyone trying to draw heavier people: Split the Difference.
Imagine someone averagely thin. Imagine where they would go on the paper. Now look at the heavy person in front of you. See how much larger they are than the person you're imagining, and split the difference.
If that neck is actually two inches wider than the average neck, make it one inch wider. If the cheeks droop an inch below the jaw, make it half an inch. If there are three chins, make it one and a faint suggestion of a chin.
Doing this, you can keep your good cartoon likeness and still manage to flatter a little bit. It's kind of an optimistic drawing... it's what your subject would look like after a month or two of diet and exercise.
Weight is usually carried around the neck, cheeks, and jaw. There's not much difference between fat and skinny above the ears. It's the lower half of the face you have to be most careful of. It's especially difficult when you're adding that little caricature body.
See, an average-thin face will have a prominent jaw and a prominent chin. You draw a thick, heavy line around the underside of the face, then you can slap a neck and body of any size underneath it. It looks like a bobblehead, but it appears natural to us.
A really fat person will have a big, bulging neck that leads directly out from below their ears. The jaw vanishes. It's prominent enough to be an important part of their likeness, but very difficult to bring down into a scrawny caricature neck you can fit onto a tiny body. With no jaw, there is no clear line where the head ends and the neck begins.
In this situation, I use the chin as my guide.
Imagine a simple chin drawn on a page by itself. It's a somewhat flattened U-shape. If you draw a thin person's jaw around it, the chin will protrude down past the jaw. If you draw a stocky person's jaw, it will join flush with the underside of the U. And if you draw a chubby person's double chin, it will form it's own shape a full half-inch or inch below that U.
Here's how you attach the heavy neck to the tiny body: Use that double chin technique. Draw a big round shape that floats below the chin. Start from below the ears, bulge out in the real shape of the neck, but then bring your lines together under the chin. Leave a gap wide enough for whatever tiny neck you're going to put there. Then, you can put a little skinny neck, a little skinny body, and keep the likeness while still flattering a little bit!
See my whole gallery here:
Tielman Cheaney is a long-time caricature artist and the owner of He writes to help his own artists, and anyone who wants to learn cartooning.
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How To Draw Caricatures: Understand Step-By-Step
The notion of drawing caricatures has attracted people given that ancient instances. A sharp stone and a smooth crave wall was enough for the historical men to caricature things about them.
Caricature drawing is not an extremely complex, complicated and high-priced point; anyone can draw. The tough thing about drawing caricatures is always to learn this ability, perform patiently, and challenge. Anybody can discover how you can draw caricatures together with the ability to draw things, and has the persistence to challenge!
For those who desires to find out tips on how to draw caricatures, I'll give some detail concerning the drawing tactics and components utilised through the expert caricaturists first and later on give step-by-step directions regarding how to draw so that you can stick to the measures and begin drawing caricatures.
You will need the following instruments when caricature drawing:
• very good high quality pencil; which should not be as well tough or as well soft, preferably H or HB pencil.
• excellent good quality eraser; preferably waxed and soft to erase without having trace.
• great top quality drawing paper; really should be great enough to resist the stroke effect of your pencil, rather than to peel off. This paper is preferred through the professional cartoonists for its resistance against the ink when working over the caricature drawing drafts.
• excellent top quality ink; black Chinese or Indian ink.
• very good high quality cartoon pen
Step 1 - Reduce the image paper in appropriate size. This size is dependent on your selection; it really should be smaller sized than a poster and larger than stamp. The size of A4 paper is usually accepted.
Step 2 - Start off setting your composition into the image paper which has a pencil. In accordance for the joke, draw one of the most important components of your composition; the spots of figures, the background, the thorough objects, inside a easily recognized composition.
The method of mastering how to draw caricatures is a difficult process stuffed with a lot of trial and errors and therefore requires lots of endurance.
Draw and erase the unwanted facts until eventually you might be pleased using the ultimate composition. At this point, it is possible to seem for the appearances with the figures you've got problems to draw. You can appear it up in internet and consider to draw the things soon after seeing their images first.
Step 3 - When you complete drawing your caricature composition together with the pencil and feel pleased with it; the following step will probably be scanning more than your drawing lines with ink. You may utilize the cartoon pen at this step. Go more than all of the lines with cartoon pen and ink the lines of your caricature drawing until eventually you ink the whole composition.
Step 4 - Wait till the ink dries and erase the traces of pencil which you have drawn previously just before the ink.
Step 5 -Start writing the balloons. It can be far better not to use cartoon pen for balloon writing reasons. Rather you are able to try out every other pen with several 0. 5, 0. seven or one stage dimension markers. Needless to say in a simple to study and all in funds letters. They are all essential when understanding how you can draw caricatures. I experimented with to summarize the equipment needed to start out drawing caricatures. As well as the steps to undergo for people who are interested to find out to draw caricatures.
All these equipment and strategies are what exactly is essential to draw caricatures; however the most critical element is you, the person who wants to understand the way to draw caricatures. Should you can merge function, care and aesthetics worries which has a expertise backed up together with the persistence, then you can discover tips on how to draw caricatures the proper way.
Caricature drawing is not an extremely complex, complicated and high-priced point; anyone can draw. The tough thing about drawing caricatures is always to learn this ability, perform patiently, and challenge. Anybody can discover how you can draw caricatures together with the ability to draw things, and has the persistence to challenge!
For those who desires to find out tips on how to draw caricatures, I'll give some detail concerning the drawing tactics and components utilised through the expert caricaturists first and later on give step-by-step directions regarding how to draw so that you can stick to the measures and begin drawing caricatures.
You will need the following instruments when caricature drawing:
• very good high quality pencil; which should not be as well tough or as well soft, preferably H or HB pencil.
• excellent good quality eraser; preferably waxed and soft to erase without having trace.
• great top quality drawing paper; really should be great enough to resist the stroke effect of your pencil, rather than to peel off. This paper is preferred through the professional cartoonists for its resistance against the ink when working over the caricature drawing drafts.
• excellent top quality ink; black Chinese or Indian ink.
• very good high quality cartoon pen
Step 1 - Reduce the image paper in appropriate size. This size is dependent on your selection; it really should be smaller sized than a poster and larger than stamp. The size of A4 paper is usually accepted.
Step 2 - Start off setting your composition into the image paper which has a pencil. In accordance for the joke, draw one of the most important components of your composition; the spots of figures, the background, the thorough objects, inside a easily recognized composition.
The method of mastering how to draw caricatures is a difficult process stuffed with a lot of trial and errors and therefore requires lots of endurance.
Draw and erase the unwanted facts until eventually you might be pleased using the ultimate composition. At this point, it is possible to seem for the appearances with the figures you've got problems to draw. You can appear it up in internet and consider to draw the things soon after seeing their images first.
Step 3 - When you complete drawing your caricature composition together with the pencil and feel pleased with it; the following step will probably be scanning more than your drawing lines with ink. You may utilize the cartoon pen at this step. Go more than all of the lines with cartoon pen and ink the lines of your caricature drawing until eventually you ink the whole composition.
Step 4 - Wait till the ink dries and erase the traces of pencil which you have drawn previously just before the ink.
Step 5 -Start writing the balloons. It can be far better not to use cartoon pen for balloon writing reasons. Rather you are able to try out every other pen with several 0. 5, 0. seven or one stage dimension markers. Needless to say in a simple to study and all in funds letters. They are all essential when understanding how you can draw caricatures. I experimented with to summarize the equipment needed to start out drawing caricatures. As well as the steps to undergo for people who are interested to find out to draw caricatures.
All these equipment and strategies are what exactly is essential to draw caricatures; however the most critical element is you, the person who wants to understand the way to draw caricatures. Should you can merge function, care and aesthetics worries which has a expertise backed up together with the persistence, then you can discover tips on how to draw caricatures the proper way.
If you are interested in learning more about how to draw caricatures, visit the website below.
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How to Draw Anime
If you wish to learn as how to draw Anime you can make your dream come true with the help of online drawing tips. Anime is a wonderful cartoon character. There are hundreds of kids around the world that love this cartoon. However, it is not a simple task to put Anime on paper. This is why those who love to sketch this cartoon need to learn certain tips to sketch it. Thanks to the developments made in the technological arena that has made it possible for us to learn the art of drawing from the comfort of our own homes. You can learn how to sketch Anime and various other popular cartoon characters using the online drawing tips.
When you will start looking for online drawing tips to sketch Anime, you will come across many websites that offer these lessons and tips. Some of them provide simple lessons that are suitable for kids who are not very good at drawing while others may offer advanced lessons that are more suitable for the ones who are good at this skill. You can check out a few online drawing websites that offer tips to draw Anime and settle for the one that you find inline with your interests.
Most of the drawing tips for Anime start with drawing the head or hair of this cartoon. The next step is to draw the face. In the final steps you have to draw the body in a certain position. You can complete the details of Anime in the final step and color it as you like. Make sure you follow the expression as well as the minor details of drawing Anime otherwise your drawing will not have realism in it.
Although a few strokes are all that it takes to sketch Anime, yet if they are not followed perfectly your drawing will not look perfect. You can give it a number of tries if you are not able to draw Anime in a perfect manner in the first attempt. In the second or third try you will certainly be able to draw sketch on paper without any problem. A little practice is always needed when you have to draw any cartoons so do not worry if you cannot put your favorite cartoon on paper with the help of online drawing tips at once.
When you will start looking for online drawing tips to sketch Anime, you will come across many websites that offer these lessons and tips. Some of them provide simple lessons that are suitable for kids who are not very good at drawing while others may offer advanced lessons that are more suitable for the ones who are good at this skill. You can check out a few online drawing websites that offer tips to draw Anime and settle for the one that you find inline with your interests.
Most of the drawing tips for Anime start with drawing the head or hair of this cartoon. The next step is to draw the face. In the final steps you have to draw the body in a certain position. You can complete the details of Anime in the final step and color it as you like. Make sure you follow the expression as well as the minor details of drawing Anime otherwise your drawing will not have realism in it.
Although a few strokes are all that it takes to sketch Anime, yet if they are not followed perfectly your drawing will not look perfect. You can give it a number of tries if you are not able to draw Anime in a perfect manner in the first attempt. In the second or third try you will certainly be able to draw sketch on paper without any problem. A little practice is always needed when you have to draw any cartoons so do not worry if you cannot put your favorite cartoon on paper with the help of online drawing tips at once.
Sketch Heroes a new website for all of you who love sketching, how to draw and just adoring art. On the website you can learn how to draw anime you ever wanted.
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Drawing Instruction - How to Sketch Hands
It is crucial never to guess how a hand should look like. Also the finest artists look at the hand they are not using before them as a example when they are drafting hands. Likewise you should find a pocket-sized mirror and use it to look at your hand from different perspectives or to transform your left hand into a right hand.
A recurring novice's fault is to make the hands overly small. You should examine the proportions exactly when you sketch a hand. As a guideline, position your hand in front of your head. Observe how it goes all the way from the chin to your hairline. Think of this especially when sketching hands on or near people's heads in your drawings.
Whilst starting to study how to draw hands it is ideal to depict a unstrained hand posture first. Notice how the digits are not flat when the hand is unstrained. They all of the time bend a little, the little finger much more than the index finger.
First analyze the proportions of your digits. Look at your digits with the palm turned away. You will discover that the digits are approximately one-half the length of the complete hand. Every finger is divided into three sections of different lengths. The upper section (with the nail) is around two thirds of the middle part, and the center part is around two thirds of the lower part (which gives way to the knuckles).
Now for a little bit magic! Turn your hand all over so you see it from the palm side. The proportions of the digits have changed now obviously! The digits now look much shorter. If you measure them you will discover they are much less than one-half the length of the hand. The reason: the skin between the digits appears as part of the palm.
In addition to this observe that all three elements of the digits now are all of nearly equal length. When sketching hands it's very important to remember this so you do not fall into the trap of sketching identical digits no matter which way you look at them.
The thumb is a entirely different thing, so do not draw it as some other finger. It only has two joints, not three, goes in a different direction and has a completely different form so view it with care. You must also notice how it bends lightly when fully extended.
Drawing other hand positions
The succeeding primary hand poses you should try to sketch is the fist. Notice that the knuckles do not end up in a straight line and that the fore finger and often the middle finger stick out to a higher degree the other digits.
Once you've mastered drafting relaxed hands and clenched fists, start sketching hands that point someplace or grab something. Finally you can also test drafting hands that gesture.
Practice these poses over and over employing your own hand as a example. In just a couple of weeks you'll note a great improvement in your abilities and can start adding additional hand poses to your repertory.
A recurring novice's fault is to make the hands overly small. You should examine the proportions exactly when you sketch a hand. As a guideline, position your hand in front of your head. Observe how it goes all the way from the chin to your hairline. Think of this especially when sketching hands on or near people's heads in your drawings.
Whilst starting to study how to draw hands it is ideal to depict a unstrained hand posture first. Notice how the digits are not flat when the hand is unstrained. They all of the time bend a little, the little finger much more than the index finger.
First analyze the proportions of your digits. Look at your digits with the palm turned away. You will discover that the digits are approximately one-half the length of the complete hand. Every finger is divided into three sections of different lengths. The upper section (with the nail) is around two thirds of the middle part, and the center part is around two thirds of the lower part (which gives way to the knuckles).
Now for a little bit magic! Turn your hand all over so you see it from the palm side. The proportions of the digits have changed now obviously! The digits now look much shorter. If you measure them you will discover they are much less than one-half the length of the hand. The reason: the skin between the digits appears as part of the palm.
In addition to this observe that all three elements of the digits now are all of nearly equal length. When sketching hands it's very important to remember this so you do not fall into the trap of sketching identical digits no matter which way you look at them.
The thumb is a entirely different thing, so do not draw it as some other finger. It only has two joints, not three, goes in a different direction and has a completely different form so view it with care. You must also notice how it bends lightly when fully extended.
Drawing other hand positions
The succeeding primary hand poses you should try to sketch is the fist. Notice that the knuckles do not end up in a straight line and that the fore finger and often the middle finger stick out to a higher degree the other digits.
Once you've mastered drafting relaxed hands and clenched fists, start sketching hands that point someplace or grab something. Finally you can also test drafting hands that gesture.
Practice these poses over and over employing your own hand as a example. In just a couple of weeks you'll note a great improvement in your abilities and can start adding additional hand poses to your repertory.
Want to make more progress and learn how to draw? Visit our site, to get more stuff and even a free ebook to learn drawing
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