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How to Draw a Portrait Step by Step - An Easy Primer to Start to Fuel Your Artistic Passion!

Wondering where to start drawing a portrait? It can be a little tricky deciding which order to do things in, especially when it's a pencil portrait, meaning even a slight error will make the final picture look...strange.
And not brilliant. Which is why we're wanting to draw these amazing works of art in the first place; because they are, well, pretty incredible.
Which is why I'm writing this article for you, so you can feel confident in starting each piece of art.
1. The Outline
You'll wanna make the entire outline of your portrait first. If the outline ends up looking like a person, you're good to go. If it doesn't though, if you continue drawing with a weird outline, then the final picture is gonna look weird too.
Be careful, and use a light, but not too light, pencil for it. HB is pretty good for this. And expect this section to take up to a few hours. And if you're not willing to put in the time and dedication for such an amazing passion, then I would question whether it's really your passion at all?
2. Hair
A good tip when drawing hair, and in shading any part of your portrait really, is to work from top to bottom, left to right (or right to left if you're left handed). This way you'll avoid resting your hand on any finished piece of drawing.
While it might be tempting to start with areas of the face that are more "interesting", remember, you're gonna have to spend time on all of it, so why not start somewhere that will minimize any chances of you accidentally ruining it later?
This can take several hours, obviously depending on how much hair your subject has. If they have enough hair to completely frame the face, and continue down to their shoulders? Expect to take many hours on this.
3. Face
The first thing you wanna do is locate where the highlights on the face are. Then lightly outline these highlights. Keep in mind they will be the lightest part of the face. You'll be basically getting darker and darker the further you move away from the highlights.
Also remember, for the hairline, you'll need to do a bit extra shading, to avoid the "hair pasted on" look in your portrait. Hair naturally casts more shadows just around the hairline, so you gotta remember this in your drawing.
And those couple of steps should get you going...
...But if you're also worried about HOW to do the actual drawing, as well as the order in which to do them, i recommend for you to visit so you can start really figuring out how to draw a portrait step by step!
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