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How to Draw Portraits Step by Step - Essential "Pre-Steps" to Do Before You Can Really Start

You should be glad you've decided to look online to learn how to draw portraits step by step. A lot of people, who probably would make very good artists, just don't know how to start, or where to go to learn how to start.
Not you, obviously. You've made a good first step already.
The first thing you should understand though, is no matter how good of an artist you already are, if you want to improve, then your first few pictures are...
...Well, to you, they'll probably look terrible, at least compared to what you want to achieve.
And that's a good thing, because if you keep all these supposedly "terrible" drawings, you'll be able to look back on your early attempts and see how far you've come.
Even if you think you've still got a long way to go, seeing how far you've already come is such a great motivator.
And when it comes to something as "perfectionist" as drawing portraits, especially realistic pencil portraits, you will find times when you just feel down, because you don't think you're getting anywhere.
Trust me, keeping your early attempts is a very good idea.
The next step, is to realize that drawing, isn't just one skill. It's made up of many different sets of skills. Which, although most of these are to do with drawing, all of them are to do with creating works of art.
Meaning the second step, is to either figure out what all these parts are. Which I don't think I need to tell you, is very difficult, if not impossible, to out yourself.
Or you can find yourself some good training, whether this is from a skilled art tutor, or a "self teaching" course you can work with in your own time.
Obviously, you'll need to decide which option is best for you, but considering you want to learn how to draw portraits step by step, some sort of at home course will probably be best for you.
After that...well, then you need to remember to take it one thing at a time.
You already know you want to learn how to draw portraits step by step, so you just need to keep yourself from trying to master every skill you'll need all at once.
That's a far easier mistake to make than you might think, so perhaps you could also keep a record of how well you've got the hang of each skill.
If you keep in mind everything you've read in this article, you'll be well on your way to being able to draw the most incredible portraits. Still, it's no good of me to just leave you hanging, still wanting to learn how to draw portraits step by steps. There's still more for you to discover, and through either of these links, there is more good, solid info for you to know. Make sure you check out
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